
Monday, May 20, 2013

Church Website Design

Well, if you were unaware of my roles, besides being a mother, daughter, wife, church volunteer, teacher, graphic designer, and maid (at least it feels like it), I am also a web designer.  I actually use to work for my brother's website design company he owned.  Since the company closed I still have done a few websites for friends.

It's nice to be able to do them when I want to.  Plus, it's a little extra money. That's always good :)  Since moving out to Texas and getting involved at our church I couldn't stand by and watch their pitiful website any longer. was pretty bad!!  Anyways, what better than to use the gift God has given you to better his kingdom, right?  So, here's a few photo clips of the new church website I designed.  I say new, but really it's been up for about 3 years now. Ha! Man, time flies!

The homepage (top picture) has a gallery that filters through the current series as well as upcoming events. And the buttons on the bottom link to additional pages.  Here's the link if you want to see more.

It was a lot of work to gather all the information and get pictures of the rooms and pages for all the galleries, but I think it turned out nicely.  I wish I took a before picture.  Plus, there's a ton of more information on here than the previous website.  I think they only had three pages and my current design has....well, A LOT!

Church websites can become really complicated with having so much information and keeping it from becoming a maze of links.  I wanted this to be really user friendly and just look more classy and trendy to fit our churches style.

My favorite thing is meeting new people that come to the church and I ask them how they found us and almost guaranteed- it's because of the website!  They liked the look and feel of the website and that's what brought them.  A lot of people were surprised by the size of our church because the website looks so professional (I always insert a pat on my own back here). Mission accomplished.  That's exactly what I wanted it to be - a professional looking website.

After I found out they found us from the website I always ask them what they think about it.  I usually don't acknowledge any involvement until I get honest feedback because that's what keeps my eyes fresh on the website.

Anyways, maybe I'm rambling on for a mostly crafty website but just know that website design is a part of my serving the Lord too and I'm proud to do it!

Hope you enjoyed the design.

Blessing to you!

Heather Joy

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